Sunday, June 14, 2009

Come here Max!

Happy early b-day Kenedie! You get a Yorkie!!! I was so excited to get a puppy from Partner's Pet Store! I got a two month old puppy. I named him Luke at first, but then decided to name him Max. I am so excited to have a puppy! Now Walker wants his own dog! My dad even helped plan it out because he did not care if we got a dog. The hard part is to train him to go potty outside instead of in the crate and on the floor. I also need to crate train him. He is sweet and gets crazy while playing (does some weird flips). I can't believe I got a dog! The boys and I, love to play with him. He is cute, playful, and is funny. He is the best dog ever!!! I love him so much, except at night when he starts whining after I put him in his crate. He has brown paws, and he is black everywhere else. His nicknames are Maxy, and Maximilian. He is awesome!!!


  1. How cute he is Kenedie, hang in there with the training it won't take long. Love Grama Brown

  2. I have to agree....he is darn cute..I'm such a sucker!
